Q: What is Solarpunk?
A: Solarpunk is an optimistic view on how the future plays out. It is a counter point to Cyberpunk or the Post Apocalypse futures that have been portrayed in endless novels, TV shows, and movies that we are all familiar with for the last several decades.
We are viewing Solarpunk as a way to start living today for a more sustainable, more collaborative, less busy, less harmful world. We're learning about it now and we're going to be sharing what we are learning. We are also going to be going into things to help you connect, or reconnect, with nature. So, you can expect some footage about camping including the gear to go camping. You can expect us to talk about every day carry or how to prepare for emergency situations. You can expect us to talk about gardening, permaculture, how to sew, how to use knives and other hand tools to make things for yourself. We plan to bring on guests who might talk about identifying plants, or how they are living a low waste lifestyle.
Solar power is a part of it, yes. We will take you on a tour of my solar panels and probably interview others who have them as well. But the Solar in Solarpunk is more as a description of the bright future we see by using technology harmoniously with nature and by working together to live a more sustainable future for everyone. We don't need to be greedy to live well.
Solarpunk can work if you have lots of land or live in an apartment, if you have money or are on a budget...
So... We hope that helps you understand a bit more of what we will be sharing... we're not experts though, we need input and guidance. We are learning, and through us learning we hope you learn as well.
Q: Where does SPL Film their shows?
A: We are based in the Northern Virginia area of the USA. When we’re not on a location, we film in the work area Joe has set up in his backyard garden. If you check out the Garden Camera livestream you might see us filming content, or you might see Joe and his family tending the garden.
We also obtain footage from location shoots. These locations could be a campsite we’ve set up for the weekend, the homes, yards, and businesses of fellow Solarpunks. When we’re on location, we’ll be sure to tell you where we are, and why we’re there. In case you want to check out the accessible places we go or recommend.
Q: Would like to SPL tour my garden/food forest/business, or attend my event?
A: Absolutely! We’d be happy to come and film a show at your location. Please email us at Solarpunklife@gmail.com to let us know you are interested. We ask that you provide us with enough notice and some background information about yourself and what you’d like us to see. Additionally, the SPL Team does have day jobs; so, we ask that if any travel outside of a day’s drive from the Northern Virginia area is required, you notify us 45-60 days out. We will do our best to make the magic happen for all requests within reason.
Q: I have a news article, book, piece of gear or a gadget that I think you’d like, how do I get it to you?
A: Please email us anything you think we’d like to see, or any feedback you may have about our content to Solarpunklife@gmail.com.
Email your gadget and gear related items to Solarpunkgear@gmail.com.
We want to hear from you!
Q: Who are you guys?
Jason: I’m Jason Bowser and I use He/Him pronouns. I am new to the concept of Solarpunk but have been unwittingly living its ideals for quite some time. The idea of sustainable living for everyone, with a healthy mix of technology, agriculture, and social well-being is one I have been behind for a while. The celebration of all peoples, genders, ethnicities, social standings, and orientations, is imperative to my part of the movement. Allowing people to live together, love together, and grow together is what I believe makes the perfect society.
My professional background is in Law Enforcement and Public Safety. I am currently a Private Security Manager, Trainer, and a First-Aid/CPR/AED instructor. I was raised as someone who knows the outdoors via camping, hiking, fishing and hunting. I believe in being prepared for any situation, and always have a plan for most situations. I am very emergency response orientated, and make sure myself, my family and those around me are safe, and will be taken care of in an emergency. That doesn’t mean that I don’t like to kick back, have fun, and let loose.
I enjoy testing out new gear, both tech and mundane. I love to be involved in planning and strategy, and I enjoy teaching. When I’m not at work or doing SPL, I enjoy drinking craft beer, Grilling, Live Action Roleplaying, Renaissance Festivals, History and the paranormal.
I am married to my wonderful wife Rosey and have a spunky mini-me teenage daughter Molly.
Joe: My name is Joe Hines, my pronouns are He / Him, and I aspire to live as Solarpunk as I possibly can. Solarpunk is, to me, an aspirational statement of sustainable living... it integrates people with the natural world by using technology, agriculture, and social community intelligently to bring about a future that is long term sustainable.
It is very important to me that this future is inclusive of persons from all walks of life, from all ethnicities, includes all genders, and all gender expressions, and allows people to live with and love whomever they want. Solarpunk is a world free from oppression.
In my day job I am a Software Engineer and Software Architect. I grew up camping and doing outdoor stuff as part of the Scouts and earned my Eagle Scout when I was nearly 18. So, I love nature, but I also love technology and I want to ensure that the two can coexist harmoniously.
I love working with my hands creating things, tying knots, carving wood, sewing clothing, and generally building things. I love working with my mind designing solutions to problems and thinking outside of the box.
I am married to my amazing wife Rebecca who teaches me all kinds of things about plants, cooking, chemistry, and other science stuff. Together we are raising our daughter Cora who would love to be a teenager but right now is just shy of that mark.
Q: How are you funding Solarpunk life?
A: This is a pet project for both Joe and Jason and as of this writing, we are funding Solarpunk Life completely out of pocket. However, we are looking into, and have already set up a few crowdfunding options, and would happily accept anything fans wish to donate.
If you wish to donate, you can find our KO-FI here https://ko-fi.com/solarpunklife